Day of Awesomeness Fundraiser Due
Starting 2/13/2024 and ending on 2/13/2024
Event Groups:
• Firelands Elementary School - Elementary Events
Our program is in full swing, but there is still time to get involved. Please log back into your personal
donation page to ensure that your child has reached their goal. Every dollar raised makes a difference
in the lives of our students! If you would like to donate yourself, there is still time. Just click on this
link: https://app.pop4kids.org/FirelandsES44074

All cash and check donations are due by 2/13/2024. Please turn in cash and check donations in an
envelope, with your students’ name on it, to the main office. Please make checks payable to Firelands
Elementary School.

Thank you again for everything you are doing to make this program a huge success!

The staff and students thank you for your generous support, as we continue to strive to give our
students the most AWESOME school experience we can!