France Trip Meeting
Starting 9/19/2023 and ending on 9/19/2023
Event Groups:
• Firelands High School - High School Events
Are you interested in going to France with your classmates? Did you miss the spring enrollment meeting? Firelands High School students will have the opportunity to travel to France over Spring Break 2024! If you will be a junior or a senior in 2024 and you are enrolled in or have completed one of the following classes: 2 years of French, Art 3, or Art History, then you are eligible to sign up for the trip. Madame Rice will be having an enrollment meeting on Tuesday September 19th for students after school from 2:30-3:00 in room A109 and for students and their parents from 6:00-7:00 p.m. on Zoom. This meeting is not for students who are already enrolled in the trip. Please check the FHS French Website for the enrollment flyer or email Madame Rice at [email protected] for the links.  Hope to see you there!
Enrollment flyer: 
A109 & Zoom