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Voice Recognition

Military Family Information

Information for our Military Families

Welcome Military Families! 
It is a honor to have you with us at Firelands.  It is our hope that this page can be a helpful resource for you and your family. The Firelands Local Schools is committed to providing information that is useful for our Military Familes.  We will continue to looks for new ways to not only honor the men and women who serve our Country, but we will also do our best to provide resources for the military families who experience this way of life. 

Purple Star Renewal Status

The Ohio Department of Education has declared Firelands High School, Firelands Middle School and Firelands Elementary School as renewed Purple Star buildings!

The District was originally recognized in 2018 and continues to support the needs of this particular group of students.

FHS Alumni Who Served Digital Display

We are proud to honor the men and women from Firelands who have served or are currently serving our country.

We have created a digital display featuring all of these individuals and it is available at Firelands High School and online, as well.

To date, we have over 320 alumni listed on this display! If you have someone to add or updates that need to be made, please email Jennifer at [email protected]..

Thank you to all of the men and women from Firelands who served or are currently serving. We see you and we appreciate you!

Follow this link to view the program:

Need Assistance?

We understand that the life of a military family can be difficult. If we can be of assistance please contact one of our building representatives:
Firelands Elementary:
Mrs. Sun Choe, Principal
(440) 965- 5381 
Firelands Middle School:
(440) 965-4255
Firelands High School:
Mr. Corey Taylor, FMS/FHS Assistant Principal
(440) 965-4255 


Educational Resources: For Military Connected Youth. Listing of support services for students and families Listing of benefits the state of Ohio provides for veterans.   

Drug-Alcohol-Mental Health Awareness and Education:   Drug-Alcohol-Mental Health Awareness and Education: Our webpage that contains helpful resources regarding dangerous behaviors.
Free Homework Help: 24 hour live homework hotline free for military connected youth.

Military Kids Connect: Online community where kids, tweens, and teens can de-stress and connect with other military kids their age. Help kids develop coping skills and buld psychological health & resilience. 
Online Test Assistance: Test preparation courses for standardized tests, as well as ASVAB. 
Military Child Education Colation: The work of the Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC) is focused on ensuring quality educational opportunities for al military children affected by mobility, family separation, and transition. 

MIlitary Interstate Children's Compact Commission: National compact that provides for the uniform treatment of military children transferring between school districts and states. All 50 states have adopted the compact. 
Our Military Kids: Provides up to $500 grant to children who have a parent deployed overseas. Available for ages five through high school for sports, tutoring, and fine arts. 
MCEC:  Military Child Education Coalition is a partnership between Boys and Girls Club of America and the Armed Forces. They provide prepaid programs and services for military youth. 

SAT/ACT Prep Project  : Offers $250 worth of SAT and ACT test prep programs for under $20 for National Guard Members and Families.  
SchoolQuest: Helps military related kids transition from high school to college, or the workplace. Includes a scholarship finder for military connected youth. 
The Ohio Adjutant General's Department: Family Readiness and Warrior Support Youth Programs 
Ohio Department of Education:Supporting Military Families: Resources from the State of Ohio in support Ohio's military families. 

Honoring Those That Served

Award from The State of Ohio

Resolution In Support of Military Families

Resources for Families w/ Special Needs

Military OnceSource Special Needs Consultants: Available to families for assistance with questions and concerns regarding the care and educatin of a family member with special needs - both childrend and adults.
Military Special Needs network & Facebook: A peer-to-peer, global organization founded to respond to the famly support need of all brances of the military and of our Exceptional Family Members. 
STOMP (Specialized Training Of Military Parents) Project: A parent driven project to empower military parents, individuals with disabilities, and service providers with knowledge, skills, and resources needed.
The Education Directory for Children with Special Needs:  Provides military famlies with children with special needs the information they need to make informed assignment decisions and easier transitions.
Disibility.Gov: Provide resources on disability related programs, services, policies, laws, and regulations.
EFMP Exceptional Family Member Program: Army designed to be comprehensive, coordinated, multi-agency program to provide support, housing, medical, educational, and personnel serices to military families with EFM. 

Disabled Military Child Protection : Signed into law in December, 2014. Allows a military parent to provide a survior benefit for a disabled child by paying it to a special needs trust for that child's benefit.

Kids In The House: The Ultimate Parenting Resource: Search & learn fro over 8,000 videos from top experts and parents.
There are over 34,000 Military Connected Youth in Ohio. Military Youth are in every county and most every school district. 


Alumni Who Served Dedication
January 30, 2024

Military Reunion
March 2023
FHS grad Ethan Krafcik surprised his siblings
after coming back from  several months of training.
Welcome home Ethan and thank you for your service! 

Veterans Day Celebration at FES
November 11, 2022

Homecoming Celebration
February 1, 2022
Welcome home Senior Master 
Sergeant Howells!

Purple Star Appreciation Night
February 1, 2022

Veterans Appreciation at FES 2021See a PDF of the day here: Veterans Day at FES 2021

Military & 1st Responder Night 2021

Military Commitment Ceremony 2021

Veterans Day: 2020
Students in the 4th grade found a way to thank Veterans this year!

Valentines for Soliders
January 2020 
Students in the Veteran's Club at SAMS created Valentine Cards for deployed soliders. 
11th Hour at FHS: 2019
Tribute read by student Robert Rose for our veterans at 11 am. 
White Table 2019 at SAMS 
Veterans Day 2019 at FES
Homecoming: May 30, 2019
Blankets For Valor Home
SAMS students made and donated blankets to Valor Home in January and February 2019. 
Military Night: January 18, 2019 
We had a Military Night at FHS in conjunction with the OHSSA. 
Rememberance Speech: FHS
November 9, 2018 
At FHS at 11:11 am 
Purple Heart Veteran, Mr. Jose Torres: SAMS
November 9, 2018 
Speaker at SAMS
All day 
Veterans Program: FES
November 9, 2018 
At FES at 9:00 am 
Care Packages for our Troops
A December service project with SAMS