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Voice Recognition


Meet Our School Nurses

Ms. Jessica Maurer LPN
School Nurse: FES
Ms. Danielle Dudukovich LPN
School Nurse: FMS & FHS

Health Information

Medication Policy Reminder
Lorain County Public Health (LCPH), and the Ohio Department of Health (ODH), have the position that a doctor’s orders, shared through the Medication Administration Record, will now be required for all medications that are distributed on our campus. Administering any medication without such orders would put our nurses outside of their scope of practice.

What this means for families: nurses cannot distribute any over-the-counter medications to students without a doctor’s order on file.  For example, nurses cannot administer medications such as Advil or Tylenol without a current Medical Administration Record on file. Parents and Guardians will still be able to come to our campus and administer medications to their child, if need be. The only exceptions would be that a parent or guardian may still send in a letter of permission for their child to utilize sunscreen and/or cough drops.  FLSD will abide by LCPH and the ODH and has a board policy in place regarding medication distribution.Please contact your doctors office if this applies to you and your child to have the necessary paperwork completed.

To recap this policy, you will need to have the medication administration record, completed by a doctor’s office, and the medication (regardless of over-the-counter status) delivered to your child's building by an adult. Students are not permitted to self carry any medication. 

Wondering what immunizations are needed for school? Please see the information below:

Before school starts for the 2024-2025 school year please note the required immunizations for all new students, kindergarteners, seventh-grade students, and twelfth-grade students. The table below indicates which immunizations are due by the 14th day of school attendance. If you have any questions regarding the required immunizations please contact your building nurse. 

K - 12
7th Grade Boosters
12 Grade Boosters
DTAPTdapMeningitis (MCV4)
PolioMeningitis (MCV4)

Hepatitis B


Remember to bring your child’s immunization records with you when you go to your healthcare provider or clinic. Please send a copy of the immunization record to the school nurse in your child’s building, being sure your child’s name is on it. Don’t forget to keep a copy for yourself!

Lorain County Public Health, 9880 S. Murray Ridge Rd., Elyria, OH 44035 is now offering immunizations (also known as vaccines)  Appointments are encouraged. Call 440-284-3206 for information or to make an appointment for both children and adults. Bring all immunization records, insurance cards, and cash or check; although some children may be eligible for discounts under the Vaccines for Children (VFC) program. All children under age 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

Looking for Flu Clinic information? Click here  for the 2024-25 Flu Clinic Schedule.

Click here to read the RSV flyer.


Click here  to read all of the FLU information.

Home or School

Wondering if your child should stay home or go to school? Click the following link for more information: Sick- stay or go 11 22.pdf

Questions about lice? Click this link for information from the CDC.

Hand Washing 
Proper handwashing is the most effective tool we have against viruses:


Overnight Field Trips

Medication Guidelines for Overnight Field Trips

Prescription Medication: a Prescription Medication Administration Record must be completed by both the prescribing healthcare provider and the parent FOR EACH MEDICATION. Example: student takes two different prescription medications at the same time OR takes Medication 1 at breakfast and bedtime, and Medication 2 at dinner – in each case, this will be 2 different forms. This would include insulin orders outside the usual school day, antibiotics, over-the-counter medication in dosage that exceeds package labelling, ADHD medication, etc.

Prescription medication already on file at the school “as needed”: examples - epinephrine autoinjectors, asthma inhalers, glucagon, migraine medications – if the school already has such a Prescription Medication Administration Record on file, that order does apply to any field trip (including those longer than the regular school day, including overnight trips); no further paperwork is needed. The medication in the school office will be taken on the field trip. Note: TWO epinephrine autoinjectors are required to go on the trip.

Prescription medication already at school: If a student receives a daily prescription medication at school, and during the field trip, the time it is to be administered is EXACTLY the same (example – at lunchtime), no further paperwork is needed; medication and paperwork from the school office will be taken on the field trip. HOWEVER, if that same medication is to be administered outside the usual school hours (example – at breakfast, at dinner, at bedtime), a new Prescription Medication Administration Record will need to be completed.

How to provide medication:

When: paperwork must be in at least TWO WEEKS before the first day of the field trip; can send medication at that time also, but must be at least FIVE DAYS before field trip

How: an adult must bring medication to school in ORIGINAL packaging, smallest container possible, please. (Sometimes, pharmacist will create a smaller bottle with current label for prescriptions.) If half-pills are required, parent must split them.

How much: maximum number of doses for entire trip PLUS ONE.

Mental Health Resources

Best Practices

General information regarding lice and how to treat
The best way to prevent disease and infection
Keeping sick students at home means that the virus isn't shared with others. Stay home, rest and get well!