Voice Recognition

Firelands Local Schools News Article

FHS Arrival & Dismissal

Arrival: The school will open at 7:00 am each day. Students dropped off earlier will need to wait outside until 7:00 am when the doors open. After students enter, they will wait in the cafeteria until 7:15 when they will be released into the building to go to their lockers and then head to their first class.

Students that arrive on busses will enter through the bus doors on the east side of the building. Parent drop off is in the east parking lot. Parents that are dropping off should enter the northernmost drive and turn right along the front edge of the parking lot to drop off students (cars in a single line for safety). Parents will then circle around the back of the parking lot and exit through the same drive. If a parent needs to enter the building to handle office matters, they should pull into the visitor parking lot and enter through the west main entrance. Parents will not be permitted to enter the building through the east main entrance from the student parking area.

Students that are driving to school should enter the northernmost drive and park in their assigned parking spot. Students have until September 15th to purchase their parking pass. Any student parking on campus prior to purchasing their pass must park in the last row of the parking lot to avoid parking in someone else’s spot.

Staff will be posted at various locations both in and outside of the building to assist with arrival.

Dismissal: At the end of the day, all students will be released by the 2:30 bell and directed to exit through the main doors of the east entrance. Any student that is staying after school for practice, clubs, or any other reason must wait in the Falcon Nest (this is the extended learning area near the main entrance of the building) until dismissal is complete. Once all bus riders have exited the building, they will be allowed to head to the locker rooms, gym, classroom, etc.

Parents that are picking up their high school student should enter the northernmost drive and park in an open spot in the parking lot while waiting for their high school student to exit. If you are picking up a middle school student please see the change that started on January 2, 2024:  Please note a change in dismissal for middle school car riders starting January, 2024. Car riders will need to be picked up from the High School parking lot instead of the middle school parking lot. Students will not be able to dismiss from FMS doors. 

Staff will be posted at various locations both in and outside of the building to assist with dismissal.

***Parents and students: if you need to head west on State Rte 113 at the end of the day, please plan to turn south out of the school and head west on a connector street. This will help to ease the congestion at the intersection of Vermilion Road and Rte 113 that is amplified by numerous vehicles attempting to turn left at the intersection.

***Change in dismissal doors: Students will no longer be allowed to exit through the doors at end of the academic hall near Mr. Hartsel’s room. We are concerned that as students are exiting, an unauthorized person could enter, especially if students are leaving during the school day. All students must exit through the main doors in the courtyard. At dismissal, they may also use the bus doors or athletic doors.

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