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Voice Recognition
Girls BB 24 25
Hands for Veterans
Homecoming 24
Falcon Volleyball
Cheer Squads
Softball District Runner-Up!
CTE Grant Received!
FHS Basketball
Student Spirit
Special Olympics 2023
Spain 2023
LC8 Champions!
FMS Fab Falcons
Veterans Day
Ribbon Cutting
FHS Band 21
We are The Falcons
Football & Flag
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Post Spotlight

National Honor Society Induction

The FHS Chapter of National Honor Society inducted 22 new members on December 5, 2024.  Juniors and seniors with a cumulative, weighted GPA of 3.75 or higher were invited to apply for membership.  The new inductees gained acceptance into the chapter after demonstrating the four pillars of the national organization: scholarship, service, leadership and character.  Chapter officers, Kyleigh Klingshirn, Ethan Meszaros, Caitlyn Buchanan, and Claire Ohle, led the ceremony.  The chapter also offered a brief reception for the new inductees and their families. 

The Firelands NHS chapter is under the direction of Mrs. Notarberardino.

Congratulations to these outstanding Falcons!
Post Spotlight

Upcoming Events
FLSD BOE Meeting
112 North Lake Street South Amherst, OH
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Chess Club
2:45 PM - 3:45 PM
Chess Club
Starts at 2:45 PM
students on football field
Latest News
Open Enrollment
Information regarding Open Enrollment can be found on our Enrollment webpage.
4 Teachers Receive Nordson Grant Funding
Congratulations to the following teachers for applying for and receiving a Nordson Teacher Grant! 41 grant applications were received through the Educational Service Center and Firelands teachers were awarded 4 grants!  Click here to continue reading.
Winter Weather
Poor weather conditions can be difficult for parents/guardians and the school system.  To best prepare for the season, we will again share information regarding our district’s policy for closing or delaying school due to
Purple Status Renewed
The Ohio Department of Education has once again declared Firelands High School, Firelands Middle School and Firelands Elementary School as renewed Purple Star buildings. Click here to read more!
Old Yearbooks for Sale
FLSD will always keep several copies of each yearbook (they are available for viewing at the BOE). We have cataloged our internal collection and we now have multiple yearbooks that can be rehomed!
Do you require assistance?
For language assistance, translation and interpretation, please contact Mrs. Jennifer Butchko:
Email or call (440) 965-5821 ext. 1015.
The Firelands App!
FLS has launched an app that is available for iOS™, Android™, and Windows™ devices. The app enables parents, students, faculty and staff the ability to stay connected and informed about what is happening within our schools.