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Voice Recognition

Counseling Office

FHS School Counseling

Welcome to the Firelands High School's Counseling Department website! We invite you to explore the many options this site has to offer. It is designed to help you have a more successful educational experience. The counseling staff can help with academic planning, outlining graduation requirements, career exploration, and social and emotional concerns.
Counseling Office - 440-965-5335
Counselor - Mrs. Kellsey Horton- ext. 411121
Counselor - Mrs. Maria Wolanin- ext. 411123
Secretary - Mrs. Lucy Jane Rector - ext. 411116
In addition to this page, please see the left column for information regarding Financial Aid and College Scholarship Resources, Ohio Colleges and Universities and Naviance/Family Connection. 

Follow the counselors on Instagram:



College & Career Readiness Visits

Seniors and Juniors are allowed to go on College and Career Readiness Visits to gain firsthand knowledge about their potential career choices.  These visits can be used for onsite college trips, military meetings, and job shadowing experiences are counted as a day of school and are excused.

Seniors are allowed 3 visits and juniors are allowed 2 visits.  

This form must be given to the FHS main office before the student can visit.  It counts as a day of attendance, but missed school work must be made up.  

Counseling Corner

PowerSchool District Code is TNXB


course catalog

2025-2026 Course Catalog

The 2025-2026 FHS Course Catalog is available here.
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Pre-Apprenticeship Program at FHS

Read more about this exciting new program here!
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Education Resources

From student and staff wellness to professional development, the following websites offer support and guidance to students, families and educators. Keep these resources in mind throughout the school year.
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School News

Permanent Graduation Requirements Document

Please see the detailed explanation in the document for the New Permanent Graduation Requirements, required for the Classes of 2023 and beyond.
More +
career path

The Career Path Less Taken

The Career Path Less Taken,” explores the transformation in education happening across the state and around the country. Click here to follow the link. More +

Emergency Crisis LIne: Available 24/7

Any student or staff member who needs help coping with a crisis can now text the keyword “4hope” to 741741 to be connected to a free crisis counselor. 



Counselor Grades 9/10
(440) 965-5335 ext. 411121

Counselor Grades 11/12
(440) 965-5335 ext. 411123

Mrs. Deanna Watts, MSW, LISW 
Social Worker

Ms. Ashley Blair, LSW
Social Worker

College Test Links